Laker TRF

Our tritium removal process

Flexible solutions for long-term storage

Depending on your unique needs, a Laker TRF AWD tritium removal facility can be configured for multiple scenarios for T2 immobilization. At a CANDU® nuclear power station, these include:

• Pure volume reduction for long-term storage and decay

• Small Cryogenic Distillation or Thermal Diffusion back-end

Cryogenic Distillation or Thermal Diffusion back-end for CANDU reactors

How our Tritium Removal process works

1. At the heart of our AWD technology lies our super-hydrophilic glass coated activated stainless-steel packing.

2. AWD front-end is decoupled from small back-end processes. This produces:

• Immobilized 99% T2 product

• Stable isotope products 3He and H218O (>97%)

 3. Final tritium enrichment uses our non-cryogenic Thermal Diffusion (TD) process.

(This process was successfully used at SRNL for 40 years tritium purification, and enriching Carbon-14 at the Pharmaron TD system in Cardiff, UK.)

4. For 100 kg/h at 10 Ci/kg, T2 production rate is 2.2 std L/h = 38 sccm, a small flow suitable for TD column final enrichment.

Learn more about our activated packing by watching the video below.