Laker TRF

Advanced Water Distillation

Laker TRF Ltd.’s Advanced Water Distillation (AWD) process is a safe, simple and reliable technology used to separate hydrogen isotopologues, with the main applications being detritiation of light and heavy water. Tritium concentrations in light water can be reduced to natural rainwater levels, and tritiated heavy water can be purified to virgin quality. 

Structured Packing

Structured Packing

Laker TRF’s R & D test facility in Oakville, Ontario has proven effective detritiation of light and heavy water with a 70% reduction in required column height over the current state of the art.  More compact than traditional water distillation systems, AWD is scalable, affordable and 65% more energy-efficient than existing designs. Laker TRF’s process also enriches heavy oxygen isotopes used in positron emission tomography (PET) scans. 

HETP Test Results

Laker TRF’s proprietary super-hydrophilic activated stainless-steel structured packing represents a stepped increase in water distillation efficiency with a four-fold improvement over the HETP performance of existing heavy water upgraders.