Laker TRF

Advanced Water Distillation for separation of Hydrogen Isotopologues

Achieves a 70% reduction in required column height

Laker TRF Ltd.’s Advanced Water Distillation (AWD) process offers a safe, simple and reliable solution for separating hydrogen isotopologues in both fusion and fission nuclear power plant applications.

Our advanced process is effective for reducing tritium in light and heavy water, with a 70% reduction in required column height over existing technologies.

 Light water detritiation

• Reduction in tritium to below drinking water standards.

Heavy water detritiation

• Detritiation of heavy water down to virgin quality.

Structured Packing

A compact water distillation system

More compact than traditional water distillation systems, AWD is a scalable, affordable, energy-efficient water distillation process that realizes power savings of up to 65% over competitive designs. Our innovative water treatment also enriches heavy oxygen isotopes used in positron emission tomography (PET) scans.

Commercial tritium removal facility

A Laker TRF commercial-sized tritium removal facility, regardless of capacity, simply consists of multiple internal columns that are identical in diameter to our R & D test column and use identical packing. Performance of a commercial facility can therefore be directly extrapolated from the proven test column performance.

Structured Packing

HETP Test Results

Advanced HETP performance

Our super-hydrophilic activated stainless-steel structured packing delivers a stepped increase in water distillation efficiency. You can expect:


  A four-fold improvement over the HETP performance of existing heavy water upgraders


• Cost-effective detritiation


• Reliable tritium separation

Ready to learn more?

Contact Laker TRF now

Tel: (905) 399-3231